Firstly, as a recently retired Marine pilot mostly stationed at Camp Pendleton during my career, big fan of Josh Bridges. I don’t know how I didn’t discover that you have accessible programming until just now but happy I found it. I’ll be brief about my reviews of the Pay Him 30 home gym program. Main workouts: awesome, I’m toast after every one of them. I will say some of the workouts are listed in a way that would be impossible to accomplish in the allotted time but I just cap myself at 20 minutes in those circumstances and still end up getting a pretty good break-off. Warmups: can be repetitive and sometimes seem like they fatigue the exact same muscles as the workout itself, but if that’s the point then I will shut up and color - warmed up and seeing good results either way. Cooldown: fairly skimpy but I understand there isn’t much you can do and still fit it in a 30 minute overall time block - I just do a couple extra things on my own as needed.
Overall: for $10/month, you can’t really beat what is provided with this program. I will be continuing for probably a couple of months and most likely upgrade to the more serious plan once my fitness level increases